If you didn’t make it out to CES and haven’t had a chance to watch the media clips, we’ve grabbed some highlights for you to watch so you can be ready for those customer questions. This year, TV manufacturers told us that customers still want even bigger displays (65” is now the new norm). Great news for the TV business right? Well, customers also said they want these larger displays to become invisible when not in use.
The Market for TV's in 2020:
This is why the TV manufacturer’s are chasing larger and larger screens. According to research firm IHS Markit, sales of 55” and smaller sets are suffering as master glass factories come online and begin to focus on 70” and 75” sets. Projections show 60-69 inch TV’s will account for 19% of sales in 2020, up from 12% in 2018. Larger sets are dropping in price and smaller sizes are falling out of favor. It’s no doubt the same reason LG is showing rollable OLED technology as well.
What Impressed Us This Year:
8K: An 8K set has 33 million pixels vs a 4K sets 8 million pixels. So when will it become mainstream? According to market research firm NPD Group, the market share of 8K TV’s in 2019 was “too small to report”. They believe 8K volume won’t exceed 1% of sales until 2022.
OLED’s: As for “why OLED technology’, it’s all about contrast. OLED pixels are off by default and light up only when needed, so the contrast is off the charts compared to LCD/LED, although LED has made improvements this year with full-array backlighting to improve local dimming. OLED prices have dropped and sales are up 20% year over year (NPD Group data).
Why Projection Still Matters:
A word from our sponsor which is the staff here at Vutec. Take a moment to think about how far the world of 2-piece projection has come. While it wasn’t the focal point of say Sony or LG at CES, know that they, among many other brands, have new projectors in their line ups. Projectors are the best they have ever been and they can overcome the deficiencies of rooms – lens shift and lumens to point out just two things. Projection solves more problems while delivering a larger, less obtrusive image compared to TV’s – multi-aspect ratio screens, top down and bottom up to name a few. If you shied away from projection, it’s time you look at what a Vutec screen paired with a laser projector can deliver to your clients.
In the end should your customer still decide on a TV, don’t forget we make Artscreens which can conceal a TV while not in use!